Wednesday, September 28, 2016

10 Way to Finish the Last few days of the Month Strong!

We’re down to the last few days  of the month, and if you are looking at your business so far and you are way off on your goals, it may be time to kick it into overdrive and make sure you create your own success. 
Or, maybe you’ve already hit your goals and now you’ve got a few days to do even more to get a jumpstart on next month. Either way, when we make the most of every day, every week, every month, we are sure to build a strong and thriving business!

Here are 10 Ways to Finish the Last Week of the Month Strong (and Start Next Month with LOTS of momentum!)
1. Hold a 7 Day “Mystery Host” online party with a deadline to close on the last day of the month~ setting a hard deadline can create a sense of urgency & get people to order.
2. Create a short video to highlight this month’s specials & share it with your client base. Make sure to have a “call to action” at the end, making it clear how to book, order, or join your team.
3. Contact hosts from last year at this time & offer them your earliest dates for next month. Be sure to let them know that they will fill fast & you are giving them first dibs on them.
4. Hold a Live Facebook party. You only need a day or 2 to plan this and get people invited.
5. Place all outstanding orders and close any open parties that are ready to close.
6. Follow up with any “maybes” that you have for people who may want to join your business, and remind them why this is the perfect time to start.
7. Share a photo or video of how you’re using your products each day with a tip on how your clients can use them, too. Be sure to add a link to your website.
8. Contact 3 clients each day and share any monthly specials with them.
9. Check your numbers and make sure you reach any incentives you’re working toward. Be sure to keep an eye on all aspects of your business: sales, new Team Members, and any additional incentives.
10. Ask for help if you need it~ your sponsor doesn’t know you need help if you don’t ask.
A LOT can be done in the last week of the month! Be sure to push through, and don’t give up!

Friday, September 23, 2016

How To Recruit on Facebook

I know we all want to spread the amazingness of TuVous right?? People NEED TuVous in their lives. It can be SO life changing in so many different ways. Financial, friendships, new experiences and being part of something. You never know WHY someone would want to join an this is why it is so important to not count anyone out when thinking of who you can approach with this opportunity.

1. Write your list of 100. Think of all those that you feel could use this in their life. Think of everyone and write their names down. I recommend going through your Facebook friend list. Write down all those names that love fashion, are looking for a job, maybe have grown children and need a hobby, own a salon or boutique, take great selfies, seem out going or any other reason that pops in your head.

2. I like to keep things simple when it comes to recruiting. If you overwhelm people with info they shut down and won't even read what you send them. I like to keep it light hearted and fun... I mean this is fashion! It does NOT need to be that serious ;) Go to the list you have created and also pull up your fb friends list again. Start by reaching out with a fun message to people. This is what I send to keep it short, sweet and simple! "OMG.... Have you seen TuVous yet???" This allows them to answer back, it's not a paragraph to read and MOST do not even see your posts on fb. Facebook hides so much from us. Most are going to write back saying "No, what is that?" This allows you to tell them about it. Again, keep it fun and lighthearted. The second you sound like a sales person they shut you off.

3. The BEST place to recruit is during your fb parties. This is when guests are experiencing how fun and easy TuVous really is. REALLY pay attention to those in the party. You should be friending all those that are engaging. When I notice someone commenting on all posts and being fun I will shoot them a message saying this "OMG you should TOTALLY be doing this with me haha ;)" Again, keeping it lighthearted and fun. You will notice I am blunt BUT I also put the HAHA and wink face to also make it easy to play off. Most have already been thinking about it OR this will get them thinking about it. This is the BIGGEST way I recruit and is my GO TO LINER for recruiting. Ask most of those that I have brought into TuVous.. they will tell you it started with THAT line haha. REMEMBER TO ALWAYS ASK EVERY HOSTESS TO JOIN YOUR TEAM!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Hostess Facebook Party Checklist

We all know how important it is to have a hostess that is helping and having fun in her party. She is the one who can make it super successful. Here is a checklist you can save and send to each hostess. I find that offering small prizes along the way motivates them to help even more!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Booking Parties BEFORE the TuVous party!

Your goal should ALWAYS be to book 2 parties from all the parties you hold. 

I try to book as many parties as I can BEFORE the actual party starts!!!! I suggest offering extra incentives. Again this is how I book so many TuVous parties. At times yes the party bombs and I give away a nail wrap for free... but I get something from every party wether I make money or not. I gain new friends from the event, I am planting TuVous seeds etc. You can choose any item you would like to give. These are just examples!

Idea #1 We have such AMAZING TuVous hostess rewards! We LOVE to spoil our hostesses! There will be a chance to book a party during the LIVE part of this party BUT if you book a party BEFORE the actual event I will spoil you EVEN MORE!!! WAHOOO!!!! Get your choice of a set of nail wraps FREE!!! AND look how amazing our TuVous nail wraps are!!! Perfect for spring!


Ideas #2 This idea is when you have a party already started and the hostess has gotten her friends and family invited and has sent her messages out. I like to set a party goal.

Now the 150 have been invited. The messages have been sent out. This is when I give her the first goal. I send her this....

OMG yay this is already SO much fun! LOOK you already have people joining! This is going to be amazing!!! Okay so if you can get me 2 parties booked before the party starts I will throw in another $5 for you to spend!  

(This is what I do... You can offer anything you would like. I DO RECOMMEND that you offer something. Don't be cheap. I say this with love... but you are in the biz of making customers and making sales. Your hostess is the most important part of this! Spoil her. Help her. Coach her! Your spending money yes... and yes the other 2 parties may bomb BUT what if both of those parties are $200??? Put it in perspective for yourself. Sometimes we have to spend money to make money... PLUS your wanting to know how I have so many parities and recruit so many new team members... well here is my answers ;)

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Places to Sell TuVous

Keeping A TuVous Bag

I make SO many sales from keeping a TuVous bag with me at ALL times. I keep inventory, biz cards and information about TuVous that I can hand out. Here are a few examples of how I use my bag in my day to day routines.

  • I take it to football games, baseball games etc and show other mom's what goodies I have. My bag always strikes up conversation.
  • When at restaurant's if I have an amazing hostess I will leave her an item as part of her tip. She ALWAYS get's soooo excited.
  • When my kids have Dr. appointments I take my bag in. I like to compliment the nurses on their earrings etc and then talk about my bag. I have sold 5 necklace's at one Dr. appointment just by doing this.
  • At my kids school I will either send TuVous as teacher gift's OR better yet.. take the bag in and let THEM choose out an item from my bag. How can they just choose 1 item right haha! They usually want to buy other items OR book a party.
  • At the bank I can give away an item to the teller who always is wearing cute earrings. 
 Get creative with this. Remember it is YOUR job to get TuVous EVERYWHERE!!! The more places you can get your TuVous items the better! This is building your business. It's FREE advertising that big companies pay millions for. If you were selling cookies and that became your business wouldn't you give the everyone? Donate to bake sales, gift to neighbors, take to children's schools etc. YOU would be knows as the cookies lady right?? Your job is to be the TUVOUS lady! The one that always has that cute bag of stuff! The one who is always wearing cute fashion. Watch the Video below to see my bag and all that I carry in it. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

When Booking Events

When looking for events to do locally I have some tips for you that I have learned along the way. You do need to be careful in the events you choose. Events can put you into debt if you are not picking them wisely.

1. Do not book an event that costs more than $100 UNLESS you KNOW the event is amazing!!
2. Ask how many years they have done this particular event
3. How many vendors will be there

  • You do NOT want to be part of an event that has TONS of vendors. That means most guests will never even get to your booth. It also means that guests have to decide which booth they will be spending their $40 at.  
4. When choosing an event if you decide on one that is geared towards children remember that most guests choose to spend money on their children. Face painting, food and activities. BUT... this is a great way to book parties and to get your name out there. 

5. Ask for the area that has the highest traffic at event to set your booth up at. Corner booths, by bathrooms or the food.

6. ALWAYS give the coordinator a thank you gift. This builds the relationship, advertises for you and helps them remember YOU for the next event they coordinate.