Wednesday, September 28, 2016

10 Way to Finish the Last few days of the Month Strong!

We’re down to the last few days  of the month, and if you are looking at your business so far and you are way off on your goals, it may be time to kick it into overdrive and make sure you create your own success. 
Or, maybe you’ve already hit your goals and now you’ve got a few days to do even more to get a jumpstart on next month. Either way, when we make the most of every day, every week, every month, we are sure to build a strong and thriving business!

Here are 10 Ways to Finish the Last Week of the Month Strong (and Start Next Month with LOTS of momentum!)
1. Hold a 7 Day “Mystery Host” online party with a deadline to close on the last day of the month~ setting a hard deadline can create a sense of urgency & get people to order.
2. Create a short video to highlight this month’s specials & share it with your client base. Make sure to have a “call to action” at the end, making it clear how to book, order, or join your team.
3. Contact hosts from last year at this time & offer them your earliest dates for next month. Be sure to let them know that they will fill fast & you are giving them first dibs on them.
4. Hold a Live Facebook party. You only need a day or 2 to plan this and get people invited.
5. Place all outstanding orders and close any open parties that are ready to close.
6. Follow up with any “maybes” that you have for people who may want to join your business, and remind them why this is the perfect time to start.
7. Share a photo or video of how you’re using your products each day with a tip on how your clients can use them, too. Be sure to add a link to your website.
8. Contact 3 clients each day and share any monthly specials with them.
9. Check your numbers and make sure you reach any incentives you’re working toward. Be sure to keep an eye on all aspects of your business: sales, new Team Members, and any additional incentives.
10. Ask for help if you need it~ your sponsor doesn’t know you need help if you don’t ask.
A LOT can be done in the last week of the month! Be sure to push through, and don’t give up!

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