Q. What is
TuVous Fashion?
A. We are the
very FIRST and only direct sales company that carries fashion for Men and
Q. What is
TuVous mission?
Q. What products do we carry?
A. Sunglasses, Funky Socks, Peek-A-Boo Socks, Headbands, Jewelry
for Men and Women, Fashion Belts, Nail Wraps, Ties, Cuff Links etc. Our product
lines grow every month as well and with us being fashion sky is the limit for
what we will have.
Q. How much
Commission do we make?
A. We make
up to 55% commissions on everything we sell. How this works is we are more like
a wholesaler. This benefits us so that the more we sell the more we make on our
items. There are brackets of what % you will make for the month. Example… If
you were to sign up with the $299 starter kit you would then make 30% off
everything you purchased. Then let’s say you sell and you need to put in
another order. This order may bump you up into the 50% bracket. The system will
then reimburse you back in your paycheck for the first order and put you at 50%
from that order as well. This way for the entire month you make 50% on
everything that you purchase or that is ordered from your website. This starts
over every month. The average consultant makes 50-55% because of how easy it is
to sell. Our items are VERY wanted. People love fashion! This is only just on
what you sell. This is NOT including if anyone wants to join TuVous with you.
If you build a team you can % off of everything they do. Our compensation plan
is one of the best in the industry!
Q. How old
is the company?
A. We are 2 years old. We have had AMAZING growth and have about 2000 consultants in the whole company.
Q. What are
the Hostess Rewards?
A. Yes.
TuVous gives you a free replicated site that has a store with all your items to
sell to your customers.
Q. Do we
have to carry inventory or can we work our business all online?
A. Our company is actually built for both. Most of us
only do 30 min Facebook Parties in which we teach you everything and give you
all the graphics for. Others do home parties and events. Some carry TuVous in
their salons or boutiques. TuVous works great in ALL areas. This allows you to
work whatever avenue fits you and your lifestyle.
Q. Does
TuVous have a catalog?
A. No.
TuVous gets new inventory monthly that is not easy to have a catalog that would
be up to date all of the time. This is what is so fun about TuVous. Our
customers are always waiting to see what we have coming out next. It is easy to print off a catalog if you would like one.
Q. Can you
sell TuVous if you sell other items or do other direct sales companies?
A. Yes.
Q. Can I
sell TuVous at flea markets etc.
A. Yes.
Q. How much is it to start?
A. We have many different
starter options. $49, $299 and $599. We recommend starting at the $299 option which is our most popular. This will give you PV to go towards your fast start along with also having immediate inventory you can sell to make immediate cash.

Here is the TuVous website. www.tuvous.com
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